$100.00 USD

By Checking this box you understand that  the information provided is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new practice, diet, supplements, or making changes to your current health routine. This is especially important if you are considering any adjustments to medications or supplements or have pre-existing health conditions. We do not claim to make any guarantees of results. 

Vaccination Support Guide

We all have the best intentions and try our hardest when it comes to protecting our children and ourselves. Vaccinations are intended to protect us from various infectious diseases. Whether adults or children are receiving them, by choice or due to mandates, vaccinations can still be a source of worry for some. Luckily, there are effective approaches, such as nutrition, supplementation, and behavior modifications, that can support a vaccinated individual’s health throughout the process. 

What you'll get:

  • A 3 module course with 9 lessons teaching you how to safely support you or your child's body before and after vaccination.
  • A list of our highly recommend products
  • A link to discounted supplements

  Disclaimer: The information provided is not intended as medical advice. Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting a new practice, diet, supplements, or making changes to your current health routine. This is especially important if you are considering any adjustments to medications or supplements or have pre-existing health conditions.